Hurtwood Launches Our Combined Temperature and Presence Detection Sensor

Hurtwood has launched a combined temperature and presence detection sensor. Presence detection is the simplest way to make energy savings. We often find plant time-zones are longer than required, wasting energy. Ventilation and cooling plant only needs to run when the space is actually used. The  BMS can turn the plant off if everyone has gone home early. We have found energy savings of 15-20% can easily be made. For intermittently occupied buildings, the savings will be greater. We have found many organisations in the public and private sectors have intermittently used spaces. Conference facilities are a good example of such spaces.

Replacing the original temperature sensor is straightforward. The sensor replaces most existing BMS sensors with no redecorating. Our sensor only requires two wires so utilizes pre-existing cabling. We have also designed it to work with most BMSs. The BMS can be programmed as to how it responds to a presence detection signal. Extension times of an adjustable length can be used. 


About Hurtwood

Hurtwood are one of the foremost experts on building management system strategy, helping clients to navigate through the complexities of refurbishing often obsolete BMS.
