Water Source Heat Pumps at Ebley Mill - Stroud

Hurtwood Ltd have provided new Tridium BMS controls for the new water source heat pumps at Ebley Mill, Gloucestershire. Ebley Mill, originally built in 1873, was refurbished as offices forĀ Stroud District Council in the 1980s. As a result, by 2021, the gas fired boiler plant was ageing. Hurtwood worked for Stroud District Council’s contractor, Cotswold Energy Ltd to provide the controls for 4 new heat pumps. These heat pumpsĀ  take their heat from the adjacent river Frome hence Hurtwood provided new controls and monitoring for the river pumps. For the river pumps Hurtwood designed the complex monitoring and control that these needed. As a result, the BMS can alert the council and Cotswold Energy Group to any issues with the pumps and filters.

Hurtwood engineered a BACnet link to the heat pumps to provide comprehensive monitoring. This link allowed us to adjust the heat pump set-point in line with the heat demands. As a result, the heat pumps operate at their maximum efficiency.

We also provided control of the heating over the individual floors of the building. Hurtwood replaced an obsolete Trend IQ251 heating controller and provided far more monitoring of the buildings temperatures. To achieve this, we used our Modbus data collection equipment. This equipment of Hurtwood’s has a software tool that allowed Cotswold Energy to install and commission all the new temperature sensors. As a result, this allowed far more monitoring and control than would have been possible with other BMS equipment. As part of the heating upgrade, we partially refurbished the original motor control panel.

Our new Tridium BMS has comprehensive plant graphics and a local display. As a result, we have given the council far more oversight of the heating than they had with the original Trend controller.


About Hurtwood

Hurtwood are one of the foremost experts on building management system strategy, helping clients to navigate through the complexities of refurbishing often obsolete BMS.


 +44 (0)1249 248 117